About Us
The Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Scholarship Fund (ASC), a charitable non-profit 501(c)(3), was founded in 2002 to honor the life of Asia SiVon Cottom.
The fund’s overall mission is to recognize and assist college students by providing financial assistance through scholarship awards to supplement financial obligations for tuition and educational fees. Scholarship awards are made to deserving students who have excelled academically with special consideration given to students interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

We honor the belief that a young person’s character when supported through education is the foundation of the future; therefore, we award scholarships to supplement financial obligations for tuition and educational fees to college bound students who are pursuing undergraduate, graduate and post graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
The ASC Memorial Scholarship Fund of Washington DC is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2002 after the loss of Asia during the terrorist attack at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Asia was one of three District of Columbia Public Schools students, aboard American Airlines Flight #77, who was attending a National Geographic sponsored field trip to the Channel Islands in Santa Barbara, California. With financial contributions received from around the United States and abroad, a Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in Asia’s honor and is based upon the conviction that a young persons’ character, when supported through education is the foundation of our future. The Fund views higher education as a catalyst for positive change, a force that can transform the lives of individuals and families and advance the economic and civic health of societies.
Total Scholarship Dollars Awarded
Scholars Helped