Asia’s New Wings Book

In Asia’s New Wings, Clifton and Dr. Michelle Cottom, along with family and friends, walk beside you, sharing their thoughts and offering compassion to help you come to a place of acceptance, when trying to make sense of suffering great loss. The people in this book have learned to come to terms with what God allows, and are now in a place where they can help heal others. If you have gone – or are going through – the “valley of despair,” you will find comfort and empathy from those who care. You will also find hope and the strength to move forward as you rediscover your life. What Asia’s parents and all those who loved her went through, healed from, and learned will bring comfort and relief to those who travel down the road of loss. Reading and experiencing Asia’s story will truly bring healing and life to all who turn these pages.
This book now puts Asia’s life on display for a larger audience to embrace. My hope and prayer is that what her parents and all who love her went through, healed from, and learned will bring comfort and relief to others who travel down the road of loss. Reading and experiencing Asia’s story will truly bring healing and life to all those who turn these pages.”
Watch The Book Trailer
Clifton and Michelle Cottom live in Prince George’s County, Maryland and they have one son, Isiah. The Cottom’s are the co-founders and executive board members of the Asia SiVon Cottom (ASC) Memorial Scholarship Fund.
At the 2015 Reader’s Legacy Choice Awards and Writer’s Conference, Authors Clifton and Michelle Cottom won the Philanthropy Award for their book Asia’s New Wings.

Reader's Legacy Philanthropy Award
Asia's New Wings The Untold Story of A Young Girl Lost On 9/11