In the Media

Stories of Hope: Asia’s New Wings
9/11 Memorial & Museum / By 911 Memorial Staff Excerpt from article: Nyantee Asherman, senior interpretive guide at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, finds inspiration in the way Cottom’s family remembers Asia Cottom and thinks there are lessons to be learned from...
Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum was no Ordinary Visit for Parents of 11 year old Asia Cottom a victim of 9/11
Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum was no Ordinary Visit for Parents of 11 year old Asia Cottom a victim of 9/11 For Immediate Release Washington, D.C. – On Saturday, April 30th, 2016, the founders of the Asia SiVon Cottom (ASC) Memorial Scholarship Fund, Mr...
9/11 Memorial On View: Earmuffs Belonging to 11-Year-Old 9/11 Victim
Jan 22 2016 16:26 pm / By JPachucki in From the Museum This winter, the 9/11 Memorial Museum is inspired by a special artifact that belonged to one of the youngest 9/11 victims, Asia Cottom.Asia Cottom, Gift of Michelle Cottom. A vivacious 11-year-old, Cottom was just...
The Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Foundation (ASC) Announces the Appointment of its New Executive Director
Press Release For Immediate Release - December 14, 2015 The Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Foundation (ASC), is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Kenae Black as its new Executive Director effective immediately. The selection was made after a regional search and...
Family, friends come together to honor 9/11 victim Asia Cottom
September 12, 2015, Ellison L Barber and WUSA, WASHINGTON (WUSA9) -- Fourteen years ago two planes crashed in the World Trade Center, then one crashed into the Pentagon, killing over 180 people. For one local family it's a day to remember the daughter they lost. The...
Clifton and Michelle Cottom Speak at the Fifth Annual President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge at Howard University in Washington, DC
During the conference’s closing session, “Living with Hope in a Post-9/11 World, Clifton and Michelle Cottom, who lost their daughter, Asia, in the September, 11, 2001 plane crash at the Pentagon, shared memories of their daughter and spoke about how they turned tragedy into triumph by creating the Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Moments Of Silence, Reading Of Names Mark 14th Anniversary Of Sept. 11 Attacks
September 11, 2015 11:03 PM NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — Relatives of Sept. 11 victims marked the anniversary of the terror attacks Friday at the site of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, with grief, gratitude and appeals to keep the toll front of mind after...
Authors Michelle and Clifton Cottom Gear Up for A Series of Events Honoring Their Daughter, Asia Cottom, Who Was Tragically Lost on September 11th.
Clifton and Michelle Cottom get ready to host a series of events benefitting The Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Scholarship Fund founded to honor the life of their daughter Asia SiVon Cottom.
Michelle and Clifton Cottom Gear up for the Re-Launch of Their Book ‘Asia’s New Wings’
Clifton and Michelle Cottom, parents of Asia Cottom, who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks, are re-launching their book Asia's New Wings on August 25, 2015. (PRWEB) July 21, 2015 Asia's New Wings will re-launch on August 25th, 2015. Asia was aboard Flight 77...
For these parents who lost their daughter on 9/11, life couldn’t stop. They also had a son.
Finding purpose after the loss of a child. Laura Wilard August 14, 2015 The Cottoms were a pretty typical American family before Sept. 11, 2001. Clifton and Michelle were the parents of two wonderful kids: Isiah and his younger sister, Asia. The kids were close, and...
The Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Scholarship Fund (ASC) is Now Accepting Applicants for the 2015 School Year
The ASC scholarship was set up in memory of Asia Cottom, only 11 years old when the plane she was on was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. PRWEB) November 20, 2014 The events of September 11, 2001 affected every corner of the United States,...
Authors and Bereaved Parents, Clifton and Dr. Michelle Cottom, Launch ‘Asia’s New Wings: The Untold Story of a Young Girl Lost on 9/11’
Clifton and Michelle Cottom lost their daughter, Asia, in the crash of Flight 77 on 9/11/2001. Now, they are releasing a book on the anniversary of her death, 'Asia's New Wings', that tells her story and brings a message of triumph, love and hope. (PRWEB)September 11,...